Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery
Addiction Recovery isn’t very much about becoming anything, it’s more about unbecoming everything that we were never supposed to be. We see people around us who change because of drug addiction, who almost destroyed their selves because of drug addiction, their personality changes, their behaviors, attitudes, lifestyles. They become people who nobody accepts, who no one understands.
Yeah nobody wants a life like that, an addict, a junkie or an alcoholic, people want to achieve recovery, addicts want a normal life.
But how? How will they get there?
We see drug addicts who take their heroin shot and the next thing they would say is that this was my last shot, I won’t do it again no matter if I die but I won’t.
But what happens when that one last shot starts to get off the body?
Phases of depression etc.
The individual can’t help his condition and go for another shot,
“Relapse” is a part of recovery. The whole process is Rehabilitation.
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But there are relapse prevention strategies that can help which we are not aware of, we’re concerned about child’s Mathematics, his spoken English and we forget about the most important subject that is Mental health Awareness and Personality grooming.
Addiction is not just physical, it’s more psychological. Getting physically better is not enough, For recovery “Psychological stability” is more important,
Recovery is beautiful because the one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell, addicts need care, a little consideration as normal human beings.
“An addict is so intelligent that he take the cash out of the closet without even opening the closet door”
Just imagine his capabilities if he puts all that negative mind into positive stuff.
Addicts should not be addicts.
They should be “Recovering Addicts with healthy minds”